Twist on the Tales
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About the Show
Twist on the Tales
Every story book, movie and folk lore fable tells a deeply enchanting and often morally valuable tale of the imagined lives of imaginary characters. Tales of gods and ghouls, unlikely heroes, fun forest creatures, princesses in towers, salt of the earth princes and a less than common flying carpet, a land of never where no one ever grows up, where there’s a reason to kiss a frog and a not so bad but bad for the rich good guy who’s found a niche role in the social justice system. These are the stories of generations long past, told and retold, and told again the same to every generation that comes after… But what if the tales we’ve been told are tall and untruthful, what if there’s an intriguing little underbelly to these allegories we’ve long accepted? What even happens when the story book closes, the movie ends and the lore of the land lives on beyond the songs sung about it? There’s a lot we don’t know about this world of myth and entertaining legend, there’s a lot to be uncovered – not a whole new world perhaps, but certainly – an uncensored one.
Join us, as we guide you through the greatest stories never seen nor said, as we catapult through a magical world of Twists on the Tales.
Meet the real Adam and Eve, an incredibly emotional Apple, Pinocchio the mermaid, Red riding hood in her teen rage, a burnt out (but radically accepting) nan, the big bad desperate for a date wolf, 3 sexy little pigs, 7 dwarfs in a street gang and their drug lord Snow White.
There’s more to the twists than these few tale teasers can elude – we have a jam packed, 2 hour theatre production, an adults only show that embodies the bold, the bizarre and the boundary-less brilliant. It’s the night out you need with a knack for bringing the audience in on the joke and a part of the experience and it’s happening here in Newcastle at Flamingos Live on the 1st February 2025